Could I Foster?


I have recently retired and want to foster, is this a problem?

Your age is not a barrier to become a foster carer. All we ask is that you are fit and healthy and able to look after the children who are in your care.

Does it matter if I identify with a certain gender or sex?

Diversity is key to meeting the needs of our children and young people.

I don’t have any children, is this an issue?

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have children of your own, we will need you to demonstrate that you are able to provide a caring home and to be able to care for children to our expected standards. You can demonstrate your relevant childcare experience through looking after family members, working with children and young people or volunteering. We can consider many options of caring for children and young people, what is important is that you can show us your potential to be a foster carer.

What if I don’t have my own home?

If you rent then this is not a problem, we just ask that you have got permission from your landlord for the purposes of fostering. Sometimes this can affect insurances and so it is important that they are aware of your new role.

How long does it take to become a foster carer?

From the point of your initial enquiry we aim for you to be a foster carer within 3-6 months. This allows plenty of time for reflection and for you to carefully consider the decision to become a carer.

Can I be a foster carer even though I have a previous conviction?

Depending on the kind of previous conviction that you may have, this is not a barrier to becoming a foster carer. All foster carers must undertake an Enhanced DBS check, we ask you to be honest about whether there is anything which is on your record. Should there be anything on your record then a risk assessment will be undertaken.

Will you provide any training?

Absolutely! After your initial Skills To Foster, we have a range of courses which will ultimately help you on your professional journey as a foster carer. The courses will develop your awareness
and understanding of fostering covering topics such as; safeguarding, safer caring, first aid, de-escalation, behaviour management etc. You must also complete the TSDs which is a national standard for foster carers.

We have a spare bedroom, is this enough?

Every child and young person must be provided with their own bedroom which is their own space. The bedroom must be able to fit in a bed, set of drawers and a wardrobe. If you do not already have this then this is something which you must work towards having before a child may come to live with you.

I have another job which I would like to continue with at the weekends, can I still foster?

You can still keep your other job so long as you can meet the needs of the child you are caring for. This will be discussed with you further I.e..your partner works during the week so is able to care for your child at the weekend.